" We should Learn Empathy from the very core of Human Emotions! And Violet Evergarden is one of those series that serves as a medium to it. " - Saptarshi Bhowmick And like I said before I am one of those strangers who really liked it when the shows make me cry most; it evokes certain emotions in me that I might have never felt before. Violet Evergarden is among those few series that recapitulated all the epitomes of civilized empathy. let's summarize shortly the plot of the series~ Plot - The story revolves around Auto Memory Dolls: people initially employed by a scientist named Dr. Orland to assist his blind wife Mollie in writing her novels, and later hired by other people who needed their services. In the present time, the term refers to the industry of writing for others. The story follows Violet Evergarden's journey of reintegrating back into society after the war is over and her search for her life's purpose now that she is no longer a ...
Spelling Test Model Set
The Spelling Test is a part of many contemporary competitive exams. It was at a time the commonest and the hardest one to crack sometimes. As it stands there are 470000 words in English and for a person to memorize that is completely impossible. But for our living, we have to participate in competitive exams to get a job and on the question set, we came head to head with a spelling test. It was among the most confusing questions on the set cause if you are totally unfamiliar with the word, it will be a lot of challenging to find the correct one from the options. So only practicing beforehand can increase your chance and vocabulary, in that way it will be possible to answer correctly in exams.
Below there is a question set of 'a Spelling test', Try to answer as much as you can correctly.
1. Select the correctly spelled word.
a. Definate
b. Definete
c. Definite
d. Definiet
2. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Possesses
b. Posseses
c. Posesses
d. Poseses
3. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Skillful
b. Skillfull
c. Skilful
d. Skilfull
4. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Receding
b. Reeceding
c. Receeding
d. Recedeing
5. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Pitiaeble
b. Pitiable
c. Pitiable
d. Pitiabale
6. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Arangemant
b. Arrangement
c. Arrangment
d. Arangement
7. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Comander
b. Commander
c. Commandor
d. Comandar
8. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Mathemetics
b. Mathamatics
c. Mathametics
d. Mathematics
9. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Varstile
b. Verstile
c. Versatile
d. Vorstyle
10. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Recommand
b. Recommend
c. Reccomend
d. Recomend
11. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Omenous
b. Omninous
c. Ominous
d. Ommineous
12. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Defendant
b. Defendant
c. Defandent
d. Defandant
13. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Overlapped
b. Overlaped
c. Overleped
d. Overelaped
14. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Comitment
b. Comittment
c. Committment
d. Commitment
15. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Tranquillity
b. Trenquility
c. Trunquility
d. Tranquilty
16. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Achievment
b. Achievement
c. Acheiment
d. Achevement
17. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Sustinence
b. Sustenence
c. Sustenance
d. Sustinance
18. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Coreander
b. Coriandar
c. Coriander
d. Coreandor
19. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Examplary
b. Exemplary
c. Examplery
d. Exemplery
20. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Inundated
b. Innundated
c. Innandated
d. Inandated
21. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Liesure
b. Leisure
c. Leasure
d. Lesiure
22. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Interegnum
b. Intregnum
c. Interregnum
d. Interregnim
23. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Gorgette
b. Georgette
c. Gorgete
d. Georget
24. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Coleagu
b. Colleagu
c. Coleague
d. Colleague
25. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Sabotage
b. Sabbotage
c. Sabotaze
d. Sabatage
26. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Brethoren
b. Brothren
c. Brethren
d. Brethron
27. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Perseverance
b. Preservarance
c. Perseverence
d. Preserverence
28. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Puerrile
b. Puerille
c. Puerile
d. Purrile
29. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Harasment
b. Harassment
c. Harrassment
d. Harrasment
30. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Forecast
b. Forcaust
c. Forcast
d. Forecaste
31. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Entreprenuer
b. Entrepraneur
c. Entrapreneur
d. Entrepreneur
32. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Rapprochmant
b. Rapprochment
c. Raoriachment
d. Rapprochement
33. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Adviceable
b. Advisable
c. Adricable
d. Adviseale
34. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Utrance
b. Utterance
c. Uterance
d. Uttrance
35. Select the correct spelled word.
a. Necessary
b. Necesary
c. Necesary
d. Necessary
If you had done all of them, please write the answers in the comment section(Like 1.d, 33.a) and I will give you marks on account of the answers you have given.
Thank you, please be with us, next time I will give you a question set on another topic that was also important for competitive exams.
English Spelling Quiz
ReplyDeleteAre you looking for the best Ultimate English Spelling Test Game? Then you are in the right place. Because we are providing the best English spelling quiz game. Download Ultimate English Spelling Quiz, by playing the quiz will help you learn commonly misspelled English spellings.